Ned Nederlander (Kona)

Ned Nederlander was born on December 10, 2016 at 8:08 PM, weighing 1lb 3oz. He was cream colored with a large blaze on his forehead like his daddy and is 1 of 3 males in a litter of 3 puppies. His parents are Pinkerton and Sullivan and he is a pup from the 3 Amigos Litter.

"Ned" is now Kona and he going Live with Corey and Katie in California!!! He is cream colored with a white blaze on his forehead. At 5 weeks he weighs 7 lbs. 10 oz. our largest puppy in the litter. He has an adorable personality and loves to follow people and play! He is comfortable in any situation including car rides.


About the 3 Amigos Litter

Mother Pinkerton and Father Sullivan are two outstanding dogs! Their puppies should average about 25-45 lbs ( I cannot guarantee size though) and be cream colored or light gold. They are over 60% Golden Retriever. I am super excited to announce Sullivan's first litter of puppies have arrived! Pinkerton is a glowing, loving mama and we are all adoring the new additions. 3 male puppies we call the 3 Amigos; Ned Nederlander, Lucky Day, and Rusty Bottoms! Each puppy is given Early Neurological Stimulation from 3-16 days. We love and socialize puppies IN our home. We aim to produce super puppies that love people and are easy to train. Price includes a limited Health Guarantee to be free of Genetic defects.

Meet Ned's Parents

Meet Ned's Brothers
from the 3 Amigos Litter!

Volhard Personality Profile Test

Ned was mostly 3's

Mostly 3's This pup is outgoing and friendly and will adjust well in situations in which he receives regular training and exercise. He has a flexible temperament that adapts well to different types of environment, provided he is handled correctly. May be too much dog for a family with small children or an elderly couple who are sedentary.

Test Score (#)

Social Attraction






Social Dominance


Elevation Dominance




Touch Sensitivity


Sound Sensitivity


Sight Sensitivity






Read about the 3 Amigos!