Topaz (Luca)

Topaz was born on February 15, 2017 at 00:00 AM/PM, weighing _lb _oz. He is cream colored and is 1 of 3 males in a litter of 7 puppies. His parents are Piper and Reggie and he is a pup from the LipSense Litter.

Topaz became Luca and he flew home with his adorable couple Kevin and Whitney in Florida. Kevin actually surprised Whitney with her puppy. Whitney had really wanted Topaz and then he got adopted by Casey who lives in New York, but Casey decided the timing would be better to wait until fall so she decided to get a puppy from Pinkerton and Sullivan. Well, meanwhile Kevin called and reserved Topaz for Whitney, he wanted to surprise her when the came to Utah for a visit. It was soooo romantic!!! Here are pictures they sent me to share, Thank you Whitney and Kevin, Luca has such a happy home!

We are doing great! The first month seemed crazy but things have settled down and he is healthy and in training classes and doing very well now. I’m working towards training him to be a therapy dog so he can come to work with me occasionally I’m hoping. We love watching him Grow up
— Whitney & Kevin

About the LipSense Litter

Toy sized Miniature Golden Retrievers. The King Charles Cavalier Spaniel is the only toy sized Spaniel, which is why we added this breed to our Miniature Golden Retrievers! We have been planning this litter for almost 2 years! Our precious mother Piper is 50% Golden Retriever and 50% Cocker Spaniel from AKC Champion lines. Two of her brothers are service dogs! Our outstanding, little Reggie is an AKC King Charles Cavalier Spaniel from AKC Champion lines. This litter will be toy sized estimating around 25-35 lbs (although I cannot guarantee size). Each puppy is given Early Neurological Stimulation from 3-16 days. We love and socialize puppies IN our home. We aim to produce super puppies that love people and are easy to train. Price includes a limited Health Guarantee to be free of Genetic defects.

Meet Topaz's Parents

Meet Topaz's Brothers and Sisters
from the LipSense Litter!

Volhard Personality Profile Test

Topaz was mostly 3's

Mostly 3's This pup is outgoing and friendly and will adjust well in situations in which he receives regular training and exercise. He has a flexible temperament that adapts well to different types of environment, provided he is handled correctly. May be too much dog for a family with small children or an elderly couple who are sedentary.

Test Score (#)

Social Attraction






Social Dominance


Elevation Dominance




Touch Sensitivity


Sound Sensitivity


Sight Sensitivity



